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Employee Sues Hen Quarter in Federal Court for Unpaid Wages

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In early 2022, Hen Quarter, an upscale Southern-style restaurant near Columbus, Ohio shut down suddenly. One day, Hen Quarter staff had steady employment. One mass-email later, they were unemployed.

Closing without warning was bad enough—but, as alleged in a lawsuit filed by Biller & Kimble on February 7, 2022, the owners of Hen Quarter refused to pay their former employees the wages that they already earned in their last days of work.

Federal and state laws require employers to pay their employees for the work they do. No exceptions entitle an employer to someone’s labor for free.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for companies to refuse to pay last paychecks to their employees or to use last paychecks as leverage.

The Plaintiff, a former Hen Quarter server, is seeking to recover unpaid wages and additional damages under state and federal law for himself and his fellow co-workers who were denied their last paychecks.

While the employees are forced to sue to recover their pay, according to news reports, Hen Quarter owner and CEO Ron Jordan has recently purchased 21 Donatos Pizza restaurants in Indianapolis.

Are you a former Hen Quarter employee? Do you have questions about your legal rights? Contact our office for a free, confidential consultation by calling 513-202-0710 or completing the form below.

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