A pizza delivery driver filed a federal lawsuit against his former employer, a Papa John’s franchisee who operates pizza stores in Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina. The lawsuit alleged that Defendants Stanzel, Inc. and P&Z Carolina Pizza, LLC systematically under-reimburse their delivery drivers, causing the drivers to make less than the minimum wage.
Federal law prohibits employers from paying employees less than the minimum wage, either outright or by shifting costs onto employees in round-about ways.
Shortly after this class action lawsuit was filed, the Defendants informed us that they believed the plaintiff had signed an arbitration agreement— forcing the driver to resolve his claims in arbitration and preventing him from helping his co-workers.
It is not all bad news for the plaintiff, however. He can now proceed to arbitration, where our firm has had quite a bit of success recovering unreimbursed expenses for drivers around the country. Read our blog about the arbitration process here.
If you are a delivery driver who has worked at this or any other pizza company around the country, contact our firm to find out if you might be owed unreimbursed expenses. We can explain the process you can go through to get those expenses back. Give us a call at (513) 202-0710 or fill out the form below for a free consultation.
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ADVERTISING ONLY: The information on this blog is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.
Past results obtained by Biller & Kimble, LLC are no guarantee of future results. Each case or matter is different and must be judged on its own merits.